Saturday 10 August 2024

Hugo Claus: 'Waarover spreken'




What to speak about tonight? And preach

in a land we recognise, tolerate,

seldom forget.

That country with its droll beginnings,

its clammy climate, its sapless stories

about the old days,

its inhabitants, greedy till their final fall

among the cauliflowers.

They keep on multiplying

in a paradise of their own imagining,

hankering for happiness, shivering, mouths full of porridge.

Just as in nature

which depilates our puny hills,

scorches our pastures, poisons our air,

the guileless cows graze on.


Speak about the writings of this land,

printed matter full of question marks

on the patient paper

that time and again is shocked by its history

and so resorts to concealing shorthand.

Speak about the curtains

that people draw around themselves.

But still we hear them, the stinking

primates that stalk each other in rooms.

Just as in nature

the hibiscus gives off no scent,

that the innocent cows do, becoming bogged

in the piss-logged earth.


Speak in that land of glittering grass

in which man,

intemperate worm, dreaming carcass,

dwells among the corpses which dead as they are

remain obedient to our memory.

Just as our nature expects a single,

simple miracle that one day will finally

explain what we were,

not only this remote spectacle

thrown together by time.


Speak about that time which, they said,

would mark as a brand and palimpsest?

We lived in an aged of using

and being usable.

What defence against such?

What festive arse-feathers?

What cellar song? Perhaps.

Say it. Perhaps.

A few swift scratches in slate

and that’s the outline of your love.

Fingerprints in the clay are her hips.

Phonemes of joy sometimes sounded

if she, when she, called you like a cat.


Speaking about her presence

wakens the blue hour of twilight.

Just as in nature

the merciless, glassy, blue azure

of our planet seen from Apollo..

And though from simply speaking

your festive cap begins to feel heavy

and the lifeline in your palm

starts festering

still, notwithstanding, nevertheless

honour the flowering

of the shadows that inhabit us,

the shadows begging for consolation.

And still stroke her shoulder blade.

Like the back of a hunchback

Still hankering for a ferocious happiness.


To see the original poem, go to here.

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