Wednesday 29 June 2022

Klaus Høeck: 'Åndelig øvelse 4' (Heptameron)




mental exercise

number four
dig out your bible

and place it

in front of you on

the table preferably

the bible authorised

by royal resolution

of sixteenth december

nineteen hundred and

thirty one – place

your left hand

on its worn cover 





look up page two

chapter one

verse twenty seven

what does it say there?

it says:

and god created

man in his

own image

stop – think a bit

about that – and then

read it once more

and god created man

in his own image 





now go out and

stand in front of
the mirror – what do you

see there? you see

your own mirror-image

is that how

you look like god?

yes exactly that

but god is

invisible so if

you look like god

it must be

in something invisible





what is there 

in you that is

invisible? – it is

the spirit by which

you live – by which

you breathe – by which

you are reunited

with the universe when

that time comes

by which

you were created


god’s image 





then close the bible

again blow to be

on the safe side

the dust off the

top edges of the pages

(that hopefully

are not gilt)

and place it

back on the shelf

where you took it from

return to

the everyday

the exegesis is over

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