Wednesday 29 June 2022

Klaus Høeck: 'Åndelig øvelse 5' (Heptameron)




mental exercise

number five

place your wine glass

over on the smoker’s table

turn off the television

say to your wife:

i’m just going out for

a moment – then go

out into the summer

night and place

yourself in a dark place

for example

under the honeysuckle 





tilt your head

backwards and listen

can you hear it:

distant cars the murmuring

of the wind in the trees

the moths?

good – then look

straight up at the sky

canopus should be

directly above

your head – can you see it?

good – then listen to

the heart’s regular beat 





now i will ask

you after

having counted

to three to jump

as high in the air

as you can

and down again

you are allowed

to bend your knees

you must really

make an effort

are you ready?

then begin 





one – can you

notice the slight

sense of giddiness

at having to

lose contact with solid ground?

two – can you

notice the anxiety

creep into you

at having to

leave what is safe behind

surely no – for

there’s nothing to

be afraid of either 





three – did you jump?

good – now do

the same inside

yourself – not

as a notion

but in reality

go inside again

turn on the television

pick up your glass from

the smoker’s table – say: here

i am again – carry on as if


had happened 

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