Friday 7 June 2024

Hans Christian Andersen: 'Til Hende'


To Her


You put the question: ‘What is your best song?

May not for me your best song be forthcoming?’

Well, should your wish and courage both be strong,

Then hark! God’s by my side! My harp I’ll now be strumming


A poet’s joy’s the song he would impart.

He dares attempt what no one’s dared before him,

He dares express what deeply moves his heart

God is within him and the skies are o’er him.

He dares with love’s bold strength to speak his mind

And childlike give himself up in devotion:

You call yourself my sister and are kind;

But you shall be much more is my fond notion!

In you I’m purified grow strong and great,

I love you more that any living creature,

In you I live, in you I too have faith,

My own self’s gone, I’m yours in every feature!

Oh speak! – Though silence is my hope’s sole thread,

As in my thoughts I then still dare relive you.

Did you but know, long nights of tears I’ve shed!

My spirit’s whole life I would gladly give you;

As stated in the song, I’m quite prepared to wait,

For fifteen long, long years at any rate

As ‘Knight and the Fair Maiden’. – All for you!

You noble soul! My soul though please love too,

It came from God; His will be done as bidden!


– Yes, that’s the song the poet’s dared and written.

For this you asked – the poem’s run its course

I am no poet –all my power’s now yours!


To see the poem in the original, go to here. 




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