Saturday 8 June 2024

Hans Christian Andersen: 'Mosters Briller' (included in 'The Galoshes of Fortune')


Grannie’s Specs


My grandmother, whose wisdom is well-known,

One would have torched in ‘days past’ as a crone.

She knows what will take place, just everything,

And knows already what next year will bring,

Can even at ‘the forties’ take a peek.

But it’s so very hard to make her speak.

I wonder what next year’s events will be!

Unusual things? Yes, I’d so like to see

That which for me, art, country lies ahead,

But grandmother wants such things left unsaid

I pestered her, and this had its effect,

She first kept quiet, then scolded me unchecked,

A sermon gave me that I’ll not forget,

Because she likes me, I am grannie’s pet! 

‘This once I’ll grant your wish, you little wretch,’

She said, then handed me her pair of specs,

‘Now go off to some spot that you select,

Somewhere where people frequently collect,

Then find a place where you’ve a perfect view,

And use my specs to look at them anew,

And they at once – believe me you’ll be able –

Will seem like open cards laid on a table;

And you’ll foresee what later must ensue!’

I wished at once to check if this was true,

But where, I wondered, do most people meet?

In Langelinie? There you’ll get cold feet.

In Østergade? Thick mud fills the street!

But in the theatre? Where folk have a fling?

The evening entertainment’s just the thing –

–Let me present myself to you today;

Allow me to use grannie’s specs, I pray,

So as to see – no, do not leave your chair – 

If you resemble playing cards laid bare,

And if I can predict what will occur.

– Your silence means, I take it, you concur;

To thank you I will say just what I find 

In this small game we’re all the same in kind.

That which for you, me, country I’ll foretell,

Let’s see now what the open cards forespell.

   (He then put on the spectacles.)

Yes, it’s quite true! no, it just cannot be!

If only you could come up here and see!

A host of court cards seem assembled here,

And everywhere do Queens of Hearts appear.

The black cards over there are clubs and spades.

– I clear can see many different shades.

The Queen of Spades is simply in a daze,

The Jack of Diamonds’ set her heart ablaze.

Oh, all this gazing, makes my head quite spin!

The house from this much money could cash in,
And people from abroad would stream and flow.

But that was not what we would like to know.

Of people of high rank know in advance?

To read of them though one can get the chance;

The newspapers will suffer if I tell,

They need their titbits, I don’t have to sell.

The theatre then? – its news, its tone and taste?

The management could see I lose my place.

My future then? Ah, each of us well knows

It’s private, something we will not disclose!

I see! – But what I see I cannot say,

I’ll tell you though what happens straight away.

Who’s the most fortunate of all in here?

Most fortunate? That person’s oh so near!

It’s – no, that easily could irk someone,

Yes, sadden a great many more if done!

Who’ll live the longest? That lady, that gent?

No, saying who would cause much discontent!

Shall I predict if–? Nay! - If? Nay! - If? Nay!

So finally I don’t know what to say;

I’m sure if I offend there’s no reprieve:

So I will ask you just what you believe

That I by my predictions can achieve.

You what? No, really? All around I hear

It will bring nothing new is what you fear,

You know for sure mere words will reach your ear.

I’ll hold my tongue and bow to your dominion –

You have the right to have your own opinion!


To see the original, go to here.

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