Tuesday 23 July 2024

Lennart Sjögren: 'Angående två målningar'


Regarding two paintings





In pictures by Cranach the Elder

one often sees animals being hunted by hounds

over precipices.

They fall into the river, they break legs

and skulls.

The hounds go on barking

and the huntsmen ruddy-cheeked

fill their bellies

forcing in even more food.


In the background white-hued women are waiting

hunting horns are heard in the air

daggers are kept hidden in folds of clothing

or pointed at hearts.





In this painting by Brueghel the Elder

Saul commits suicide

he is surrounded by a forest of lances,

but he is alone with his open breast

into which he now thrusts the blade.


It is dark

the glaze maintains its wall

between us and the one now dying.

It is a matter of urgency for us

that such dreams exist

urgent that between us and what is more onerous

there is a silence of varnish

which says:


do not worry

you are not Saul, you are not the stags

you are not the lance or

the restless horses.

I exist between you

and what is onerous

that is why the art of painting

in this century is still possible.


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