Wednesday 10 February 2021

Klaus Høeck: tiny sequence of poems from MY HEART (Poems Galore) 2018


(My query is this?

Omnia amajorem dei gloriam?

Up to you, was the answer I got from KH)

     today the woOd is

greener than the gaze of death

     you will probAbly


     never get to walk a

long its closed paths past the piles

     of firewood on your


     way to nowhere what

soever where only the

     violets are in


     blooM just as you will

never Get to read the worDs

     that are written here



     songs Of eterni

ty or of nothingness – i

     don’t know whAt’s the dif


     ference? – here on the

threshold of oblivion

     where the dandelions


     are in flower for e

ver – come on goD help me – what

     is it to be sonGs


     of my heart or My 

naked arse or the sad songs

     of indifference?



     i do not write pO

ems for the people i must

     stAke everything on


     that sinGle sub ro

sa it is not My fault anD

     i’m sad about it


     but that is just the

way it is and how the words

     were divided out


     a door has to be

closed before it can be kicked

     down like a poem


     or could the poem

be thought Of as a kind of

     quadratic equA


     tion with various

unknowns that the poet was

     atteMpting to work


     out (or write Down)? the

answer perhaps lies in lan

     Guage itself but hard


     ly in poetry

as a poem does not have

     a right solution

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